Using a Spreadsheet to Calculate Artificial Gravity

Objective: create a spreadsheet to graph the frequency of rotation of an object in revolutions per minute as a function of the radius of rotation required to generate one earth gravity (1 g).


Centripetal accelerationConsider an object travelling in a circular path with radius r.  The object has a velocity v, and would travel in the straight line path shown by v, if it was not being accelerated inwards.   The object travels in a circular path – an orbit – because it is being constantly accelerated inwards with an acceleration a.  The mathematical formula for this centripetal acceleration is:


We can change the linear velocity into a rotational velocity, since , where is the rotational velocity in radians per second.  Substituting this into [1] for v gives the formula for acceleration as:

gravity6.gif (112 bytes)


The number of revolutions the object makes around its orbit every second is the frequency, f.  Since there are 2 radians in a circle:

gravity7.gif (144 bytes)


If we want the frequency in revolutions per minute we need to multiply f (per second) by 60 (seconds per minute) which gives us


which if solved for is


Substituting equation [5] into equation [2] for gives:


Since we want to generate an acceleration equal to earth's gravity, we can replace a by 9.8 m/s:


and then rearrange the formula to solve for r:


In  equation [8], f is the rotational frequency of the spacecraft in revolutions per minute, while r is the radius of the orbit in m.  This is the equation that we will use to create the spreadsheet.


1. Open this Excel template. Note: instructions given here are for Excel 97.   Other spreadsheets will use similar procedures.

2. Fill the column for f with frequencies from 1 to 30 rpm, at selected intervals, as shown here:
3. In cell A3, enter the formula for the spreadsheet that will let you calculate the radius.  Remember that the value for f is actually in cell B3.  Hint: the value of pi.gif (55 bytes) is a built in function in the spreadsheet, called PI().  See your spreadsheet's help file for how to use it in a calculation.  If you enter the correct formula into the spreadsheet you should get a value of about 894 m in cell A3.

4. Copy the formula from cell A3 into cells A4..A11

5. Select cells A3 through B11 with your mouse.  Then click the chart wizard icon on the spreadsheet.  Complete the graph as follows:

6. Complete and either save or print the graph as instructed by your teacher.